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Forbiddenplanetcouponcode.com is not affiliated with fpnyc.com or any Forbidden Planet retail store located in the United States. These coupons and offers being promoted are only applicable for the website forbiddenplanet.com in the UK.

Happy New Year! 2011 Is the year of the geek, so many great films due out, green lantern, the new spiderman reboot(i think?). If you’re looking to buy some cult items, some movies, graphic novels, comics or figures then forbidden planet is one of the best places to get them from. To use these on forbiddenplanet.com just add them on the “use coupons” page and you’ll see the discounts on your order. Click below to show the vouchers and discounts.

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Forbiddenplanetcouponcode.com is not affiliated with fpnyc.com or any Forbidden Planet retail store located in the United States. These coupons and offers being promoted are only applicable for the website forbiddenplanet.com in the UK.

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